We are aware that the concept of Web3 became first the savior and then the ruin of many people. Although it provides limitless opportunities, there is no manual for it (yet). It is time to join TRIGON as we remain on the cutting edge

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TRIGON Game & Fınance Ecosystem!

1.What is TRIGON Coin?

TRIGON Coin (TRGN) is designed to be a leading digital currency in a world rife with uncertainty and risk, focusing on the security of both investors and users. It is a stablecoin pegged to the USD, maintaining a constant value of 1 dollar. This stability aims to eliminate the perception of digital uncertainty, particularly for early access investors and users within our ecosystem.


Important Note: TRIGON Coin will be released in three stages and its intended purpose is to gain significance within its own ecosystem.

2.What is TRIGON Launcher?

TRIGON is a unique platform that brings players, developers, creators and gamers together in one application. Thanks to this unique multi-functional platform, a definite solution to reliability problems is provided, as well as the uncertainty and difficulty of use caused by the presence of concepts such as “Gaming and Game Funding Systems” in different places in Web 3.0 and the daily internet network.

With the innovations and opportunities offered in the game world and the pioneering qualities it provides, it is clear that TRIGON will accelerate to the place it deserves in a very short time in line with the analyzes and surveys made.

This platform has been designed by learning from the faults and shortcomings of past ecosystems, play-to-win games, and cryptocurrency projects. It has successfully passed all simulations and is described as an unshakable “digital fortress” in the new economic order.

2.1 Goal & Vısıon

Although the concept of digital money has gained momentum all over the world with the steps taken by the IMF in the recent past, it is planned that this area, which is still very new and open to firsts, will serve as a bridge between knowledgeable and interested users and people who have not dared before or millions of people who love to play video games. With this vulnerability in mind, the TRIGON Platform and TRGN were designed as the “first” in demand. Web 3.0 and all the features found in daily use were combined in TRIGON Platform in a homogeneous and planned manner.

This community, in addition to the 20% of the world’s population who are already in the crypto money network, can attract a 55% audience who want to be an investor but cannot join this network due to their lack of knowledge and not wanting to take risks, and 74% of video gamers into the digital economy network.

A hybrid finance model (HiFi) was developed by combining decentralized finance (DeFi) and today’s centralized platforms (CeFi) so that this platform can enable users to earn valuable assets and ensure that the assets they earn do not lose value. In this earnings cycle, the local currency difference takes precedence economically. Countries and societies with low budgets and high earnings were targeted. In this way, it is aimed to make maximum profit in the earning process.

In the current economic cycles, where the primary gain in the digital world is seen as trust and function, TRIGON, which has managed to become an unshakable ecosystem with its economic dynamics and firsts in the field of gaming and financial network, is not an initiative, but meeting the need.

2.2 Problems Observed ın Industry Trends

In the analyzes made, it has been determined that the existing gaming platforms and financial systems are insufficient to reveal and present the full potential of Web 3.0 technologies to the users.

Centralized gaming platforms do not value the time and effort players spend on games. System management and strategy methods that focus on profit margins have a devastating effect on users and investors.

Based on this situation, it has been proven that the efforts to switch to a 100% decentralized system, which is the current method that is tried to be taken, have come to the point of extinction by entering a downward trend after a short time and that it is not a sustainable economy.

This unsustainable past model is one that rewards players with cryptocurrencies instead of points as they play, thus constantly printing money into the market. This problem can be seen in the graphs of “Nitro League”, one of the above-mentioned unsuccessful attempts, and “StepN”, which, despite gaining serious momentum and mass in the past 6 months, failed to create a solid ecosystem.




It is inevitable that the digital currency of the project will lose value over time and it is observed that it harms the player and investor communities.

Significantly: This project is designed as a rebellion against the corrupt and money-focused order of today’s entertainment industry. It aims to revive the long-forgotten old-school emotions of a much-anticipated project by blending them with modern technologies.

2.3 Problem Solutıons and TRIGON Functıonal Areas

TRIGON Platform’s sustainable play-to-win structure and TRGN Coin’s functional dynamics are a definitive solution to these problems.

2.3.1 Game Department

The 2 years game plans of TRIGON , which develops its own games and has a wide range of external productions in addition to ones that will be developed in-house. Stay in touch to receive updates on our games!


In a futuristic digital world, an avatar stands out with its sleek, modern design, featuring glowing neon accents on a form-fitting jumpsuit that has dynamic, holographic patterns moving across it. The avatar's hair is metallic, styled in a dynamic, gravity-defying look. Their eyes are covered by advanced AR visors emitting subtle light, indicating high-tech capabilities. The background is abstract, representing a virtual reality space, with floating digital icons and data streams surrounding the avatar, showcasing their interaction with the digital environment. The atmosphere is vibrant, filled with cool tones and a sense of cutting-edge virtual existence.

The concept, which is described as the first step of sustainability and Metaverse steps…

In order to ensure the sustainability of the “Play to Win” concept in the system, it has been designed to provide the achievement via the platform with avatars, not through games. Through this method, users will have access to unlimited games on the platform and will exist in a system where they get benefit during this unique experience.

This system, which earns price units during the active time in the games, will provide questions and decision options at certain times and will ensure the verification of the active time on the platform.

2.3.3 TRIGON Metaverse

The modern Metaverse worlds, the next stop where technology will evolve with the intense demand of the masses, has become a very serious field in a short time. TRIGON , which will gain a solid place in the game world with the TRIGON Metaverse step, will allow its users this option and privilege to ensure that the platform is up-to-date and always in a position where requests are met. We develop VR/AR technologies and draw users into the 3D world with a data study starting from today. Our primary goal is to consider this step, which will be announced shortly, as an opportunity for active users on our platform. In this way, the effort and funds required for avatars to level up will be a target for users. In the coming period, TRIGON Metaverse stop, where entries will be opened other than avatars, will provide visual and status difference from users outside of its own users and will gain the satisfaction of the audience, and will also emphasize that external users can have this status if they work in Metaverse.

2.3.4 In-system NFT

The assets needed for the price unit gains of the avatars are designed in NFT format. Avatar NFTs, which are designed in line with different function and gain parameters based on the desire for visual status and empowerment instincts and are actively in high demand in games in line with past reviews, increase the income and enable users to spend according to their needs and desires.


2.3.5 NFT Market

A short time ago, the intense interest in NFT markets and the loss of interest due to the fact that the sector became dysfunctional with the adjectives “Useless” and “Meaningless” did not destroy this sector, but only helped bring it to the status of functionality that it deserves. At this point, the unique and productive qualities of each work of art have become indispensable for the masses.

A place is provided on the TRIGON platform not only for in-game items, but also for the works of users who want to sell their NFTs and the “Artist share” will also be taken into account in the sales of the NFTs created by these artists. This way, continuity of supply is ensured with NFT owners, who can earn profit from not only the first sale but also from each sale, thanks to the proven “artist share” concept while the expansion of the market volume is guaranteed.


Orıgın of The Odyssey

1. Introductıon

The intersection of blockchain technology and gaming presents unparalleled opportunities for innovation, engagement, and ownership. Trigon Studio’s “Origin of the Odyssey” NFT collection is a pioneering initiative that seamlessly integrates non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into the gaming experience, offering players not only entertainment but also value generation through gameplay. This whitepaper outlines our vision, technology, and the utility of the NFTs within the game, setting a new standard in the gaming industry.

2. Vısıon

Our mission is to redefine the boundaries of gaming and blockchain technology. “Origin of the Odyssey” aims to empower players with true ownership of in-game assets, enabling them to benefit from playing in real economic terms. We envision a future where gamers are not merely consumers but active participants in a value-generating entertainment ecosystem.

3.The Game: Orıgın of the Odyssey

“Origin of the Odyssey” is more than a game; it’s an expansive universe where strategy, skill, and decisions have real-world implications through the ownership and trade of NFTs. The game server will keep track of players’ progression, and this will be reflected on their NFTs, providing a dynamic gaming environment that rewards skill, strategy, and dedication.

3.1 Gameplay Mechanıcs

The game will have features of both turn-based strategy games and the casual approach of classic/casual trading card battle games. Players must leverage their strategic skills and manage their decks effectively to outmaneuver their opponents. Each decision not only impacts the outcome of the game but also influences the value and capabilities of their NFTs.

3.2 NFT Utılıty and Integration

Soulbound NFTs: Initially, NFTs are locked to a player’s wallet, serving as essential gameplay elements without being tradable. This design ensures compliance with legal standards regarding digital assets.
Smart NFTs: These are dynamic assets that evolve based on gameplay. As players progress, their NFTs improve, accumulating a history of achievements that augment their value.
Transition to Tradeable NFTs: After fulfilling specific criteria, players can choose to convert their NFTs into a tradeable form, making them available for exchange on the Trigon marketplace.

4. Technology and Implementatıon

4.1 Blockchaın Infrastructure

The game leverages a robust blockchain infrastructure to manage NFTs, ensuring transparency, security, and efficiency. Smart contracts automate the transition of NFTs from soulbound to tradeable states, alongside tracking improvements and player achievements.

4.2 Server and Smart Contract Integratıon

A dedicated game server interacts with smart contracts, updating NFT attributes in real-time based on gameplay. This system maintains the integrity and continuity of the game experience, ensuring that the digital assets reflect the players’ journey and achievements accurately.

5. Utılıty and Use Cases

The NFTs within “Origin of the Odyssey” serve multiple purposes, enhancing the gaming experience while offering tangible value outside the game.

Character Unlocks and Power-Ups: Essential for advancing in the game, offering strategic diversity.
Deck Sales: Players can trade complete decks, providing a ready-to-play strategic asset for new or existing players.
Stat Tracking and Enhancements: Reflecting players’ skill and dedication, these improvements make each NFT unique and valuable.

6. Marketplace: Trıgon Platform

The Trigon platform will host the marketplace for “Origin of the Odyssey” NFTs. This marketplace is designed to support secure transactions, offer a user-friendly interface, and foster a community around the game. Features will include auction systems, direct trades, and analytics tools to track asset performance.

7. Economıc Model

The economic model of “Origin of the Odyssey” is designed to sustain the game’s ecosystem, reward player engagement, and ensure long-term viability. This includes mechanisms for the initial sale of NFTs, transaction fees on the marketplace, and a redistribution of a portion of profits back into the game’s development and player rewards.

8. Roadmap

The development timeline has been updated to reflect the new targets:


Q4 2024

Early access release of the game, including initial NFT collection availability for early adopters.


Official game launch, incorporating feedback from early access. The first competitive season will commence, and additional features and NFTs will be introduced.

9. Team

The Trigon Studio team combines expertise in blockchain technology, game development, and business management. Team member profiles, including their experience and roles in the project, will build trust and transparency with the community.

10. Conclusıon

“Origin of the Odyssey” marks a significant step forward in the integration of blockchain technology with immersive gaming experiences. By offering players true ownership of their in-game assets and the ability to see their gaming prowess reflected in the real-world value of those assets, we are not just creating a game but pioneering a new form of interactive entertainment.
