We are aware that the concept of Web3 became first the savior and then the ruin of many people. Although it provides limitless opportunities, there is no manual for it (yet). It is time to join TRIGON as we remain on the cutting edge

All rights are reserved Trigon

We Are On InfınıteX

Smartest Way Of ENGAGING !

At TRIGON, we're driven by a commitment to reshaping the gaming landscape. Born out of a desire to challenge the status quo, TRIGON offers a gaming experience that's not just about playing, but about being part of a vibrant, evolving community. Our approach to gaming goes beyond traditional models, focusing on delivering a truly enjoyable and interactive experience. Our vision is encapsulated in a unique gaming concept that aligns with the lifestyle we aim to promote. It's about immersing yourself in an engaging, dynamic world where the joy of participation and community involvement is paramount. TRIGON is more than a game studio; it's a movement. Here's how we make this vision a reality: Engage and Win through Participation: By being an active part of our gaming community, you get the chance to receive exclusive rewards. Dive into ``The Origin of the Odyssey``, an NFT Card Game that features TRIGON avatars and offers a sneak peek into the realm of possibilities we're creating. To be a part of our journey from the beginning, simply click the ``Join The Odyssey`` button! Embrace the ``Smart NFT`` Concept: In the world of TRIGON, your gaming assets aren't just static; they're dynamic and integral to the gaming experience. As you engage with the game, your NFTs become reflections of your journey, evolving with your gameplay. Additionally, you can enrich your NFTs by combining them with other character NFTs and add-ons from our exclusive TRIGON avatar NFT collection. Join us in this exciting adventure and be a part of a gaming revolution that's about engagement, community, and a whole new way of experiencing the gaming world. Welcome to TRIGON – where every interaction counts!

Orıgın of The Odyssey

Embark on an unparalleled journey with TOO: The Origin of the Odyssey, a groundbreaking blockchain-based game that seamlessly blends strategy, tactics, and the innovative use of NFTs to revolutionize the gaming experience. Set in a richly crafted world, TOO stands out in the gaming industry for its unique approach to player interaction and game mechanics.

Odyssey Mode: The Heart of Adventure

In Odyssey mode, embark on a journey filled with challenges and rewards. This mode is the cornerstone of TOO, offering players a deep dive into a world brimming with potential for growth, competition, and discovery. Here, every decision matters, and every victory brings you closer to the pantheon of legends.

Engage in Epic Boss Battles

Odyssey mode presents players with the thrilling opportunity to face off against formidable bosses. These encounters are not only tests of skill and strategy but also gateways to earning exclusive in-game rewards. Victory against these titans offers more than just glory; it provides tangible benefits that can enhance your gameplay and solidify your place in the game’s lore.

Strategic Character Enhancement

Understanding the importance of character progression, Odyssey mode allows for the strategic enhancement of character stats. Imagine empowering your Bronze Zeus card to amplify one attribute up to 20 times its base stats, propelling you to new heights. However, the path to greatness requires balance. Letting any stat fall below 50% of its maximum level could impede your progress, adding a layer of strategic depth to the game.

Join the Leaderboard

As you navigate through Odyssey mode, beating bosses, and claiming victories, your achievements will be recognized on the leaderboard. This is where heroes are made, and legends are born. Compete against a community of passionate players, all vying for a top spot and the prestige that comes with it.

  • Players can join battles with only their own characters.
  • Our NFTs are only accessible via InfiniteX site and only contain characters and objects which are present in TRIGON games in development.
  • Character evolutions/improvements can only be made by combining the same characters.
  • Add-on cards can not be used in-game, they need to be combined with the desired character card before battle.
  • Character cards save their stats as they are played and improve by themselves in a unique manner and gain value.

In addition to the Odyssey Mode, we are planning to introduce multiplayer modes and redefine competitive play within our blockchain-based adventure. Each mode has been meticulously designed to cater to different aspects of gaming prowess, from strategic depth to raw power, ensuring that players of all backgrounds and play styles find their niche.

Ranked Mode: The Arena of Power
Ranked mode is the domain where power reigns supreme. It’s a competitive battleground where anything goes, and the mightiest rise to the top. In this mode, the stats and advantages earned from defeating bosses or acquiring duplicate NFTs can be leveraged to give players an edge over their opponents. This is the arena where your collected strength, strategic acquisitions, and enhancements come into play, offering a dynamic and ever-changing hierarchy of power. Ranked mode is not just about the battles; it’s about showcasing the empire you’ve built, the allies you’ve gathered, and the power you wield.

Challenge Mode: The Proving Grounds of Strategy
Challenge mode, contrastingly, is the ultimate test of strategic and tactical skill. Here, it’s not just about the strength or the enhancements you’ve acquired; it’s about how you use them. This mode levels the playing field, making it accessible to players of all backgrounds, regardless of their collection size or the rarity of their NFTs. It’s where clever tactics, insightful strategy, and adaptability determine the victor. Challenge mode is designed to push players to think outside the box, employing unique strategies and making the most of their available resources to overcome obstacles and opponents.

To Our Goal!


Closed Beta V 0.1.1

It's already done! What we have done ? Sound effects were added. Login screen were updated (According to feedbacks). Game UI were updated

Closed Beta V 0.1.2

It's already done! What we have done so far! Shoping cart system was integrated Options were added. Mobile version was deployed. Bugs were fixed!

Closed Beta V 0.2.1

We are getting there! What will we do ? 3 Different battle arena will be added. More Character and Support card will be added. Game UI will be re-built. Visual effects will be added. TOO will be on crossplatforms


We will be on there soon! Game UI will be fixed. New Card Designs will be added. Online matchs will be available


With our official launch, your improved NFTs will become your class/hero avatars and the side cards/characters will become game cards. Each player will have 28 cards in each battle and your battles will continue to improve and strenghten your avatars. Our first aim is to create and introduce 350 new cards to the game.
``Are you geared up to get strategic and redefine your path to excellence?``


These NFTs are limited and only in sale on InfiniteX.
